Saturday, February 26, 2011

CVS: Free Stuff This Week After ECBs!

This week at CVS you can get two free items because you receive the price of the item back in Extra Care Bucks (ECB)!  If you commit to researching the deals each week and rolling your old ECBs to pay for new free items, then you can rack up quite a bit of "free" things!  If there aren't any free items and your ECBs are expiring, at least everyone can always use something from CVS.  My "go to" item is baby wipes or something I can score a deal on with coupons.  This week, however, you can get:

Pro Health (4.2 oz), 3D White Vivid, Clinical Gum Protection (4 oz), Multi Protection (8.4 oz), Scope Outlast Rinse (4 oz), or Satin Floss (55 yds).  (limit 2)
Cost $3.29
ECB $3.29


Revitalens Multi Purpose Solution (4 oz) (limit 1)
Cost $5.99
ECB $5.99

 Also CVS is offering $10 ECB for $30 on select P&G products.  With coupons, the savings combos are endless!

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