Friday, March 4, 2011

Military Wives (and Husbands): Become an Accredited Financial Counselor for FREE (Limited Fellowship)

If you married someone in the military, then you know that it often times means moving, moving, then moving again.  It's hard enough to pack up and leave and find a new job, but in this economy it is sometimes impossible.  If you have a job that needs state certification, then you are in big trouble! 

The Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Education is offering a fellowship that would provide military spouses with the resources to become an Accredited Financial Counselor.  With that certification, you can find a job in any state, working for a variety of businesses!  Like any fellowship, there are details and fine print so read up, but if you were looking for a way to gain some sort of stability in an ever changing lifestyle, then this may be for you!

Thanks Melissa!

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