Saturday, May 28, 2011


If you are brave enough to venture into the market this weekend, take your coupons up to $1!  Marsh is tripling!!!  They have to be legit coupons (obviously!) and it ends Monday at midnight.  I will tell you that I had NO problems at the register; however, it was INSANE in there.  I've never seen so many clueless shoppers and couponers all in one room.  I did score several freebies and the deal possibilities are endless.  I only made it through half of my coupons before I hit my time limit!  Hopefully I can make it back on Monday for frozen and refrigerated items!

1 comment:

  1. My Marsh was not crowded at all both times I went. I did see quite a few other people with large stacks of coupons like mine, though! :)
